Tuesday 13 September 2011

Yet more concrete

Apologies to anyone not in fact interested in civil engineering or hydro-electric power... I appreciate that the project has rather taken over the blog as though nothing else is happening at the moment.

I am nevertheless conscious of the wide interest that the hydro scheme has created amongst the local residents, walkers through the valley and visitors alike.  On my walk from the house to my office over the river, I regularly get stopped and asked questions about the scheme, which is great - I'm pleased people are intrigued.

Indeed, yesterday I had a very enjoyable chat with an environmentally involved lady about our shared belief in  using our sustainable natural resources, especially where it doesn't impact negatively on other elements of the environmental system - since this scheme actually enhances the environment, especially for fish, she was very bullish about it.  Encouraging news all round, I'd say.

The photo above is a spot-the-difference with the one from last time, because they managed to get enough of a break in the weather to pour the next load of concrete today - exciting, because it is nearing the big moment when the screw arrives in 4 weeks time or so.

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