Friday, 17 September 2010

Mowing day again

The near perfect combination of sunshine and rain, with moderate temperatures has meant the lawns are putting on a lot of late summer growth this year.  Today was mowing day again, generally a Thursday at Iford, and the full team was on the case.

Here Tom (pictured), who is currently studying at Lackham College and undertaking part of his practical training within the team at Iford, creates some excellent 'lines' on the rear terrace.


  1. For those of us in the U.S. who are Iford great fans, can you post more information about what kind of crew it takes to care for Iford?

    Iford Manor is such a great place, and it's obvious the level of detail to maintain must take considerable labor.

  2. Hi woodsmoor, thanks for joining in - the more the merrier, and it's great to know we've got some readers in the US!

    The blog is still very much developing, and I'm keen to do more on the gardening and maintenance side of things. As such, it should become a bit clearer as to who comprises the team over time.

    I will say this much though - you can never have enough people to maintain a place like Iford - to do so would be simply uneconomic. And so we resort to theatre, and a very strongly committed team of people who ensure that necessary things happen at the right time - timing is critical because with a small team a misjudgement of timing can set you a month back on other tasks.
