Monday, 31 October 2011

Hydro update (about 2 weeks behind where we really are)

After some weeks, I can update you in pictorial form on the progress of the hydroelectric scheme.  Sorry for the delay during the most exciting phase of the project, but I'm afraid we've had quite a busy time of it down at Iford lately.  Nevertheless, here is the update!

Endless shuttering...
 And this was the shuttering mould (upside down, here, and about half built) for the cradle for the screw itself.
 And then, one Monday morning, the procession arrived:

 The screw weighs about 8 tonnes.
 And it somehow had to go in here:
 There was a tree in the way, but this proved no problem for the enormous crane, which simply lifted the steel screw clean over the top of the tree!
 And, at 22 degrees, or thereabouts, the descent into the trough was achieved.

A second update to follow shortly, to bring you up to date with the most recent fortnight, then they were able to put in the gearing system, build a shed to house all the clever control gear, and prepare for the arrival of the great sluice gates and grille for the front.

Friday, 14 October 2011

A visit from the Harley Owners Group

Apologies for the lack of updates recently... it has been "all go" at Iford.
To our great delight we had a visit from the New Forest Branch of the Harley Owners Club.  Jim Murphy, Communications Manager of the branch, kindly sent through these photographs of the group riding away over the bridge, and in front of the house.  We hope they enjoyed their visit as much as we did.
We're always pleased to welcome car and motorcycle owners clubs, so if you would like to bring a group for a a visit to the garden, or just a cream tea, why not make us the excuse for a club outing?