Monday, 4 July 2011

Tim Kliphuis DVD in the can

On Thursday 30th June a lucky audience of 75 was treated to a spectacular concert given by Tim Kliphuis, the world-renowned violin improviser, in the cloister at Iford.  Tim brought his quartet of David Newton (Piano), Roy Percy on Double Bass, and Nigel Clark on Guitar.  Here they are in the garden at Iford:
Audience-members came from all over Europe to lend their support to the project, and support from the Iford Arts stewards was kindly provided to help run the Pimm's bar and to ensure that the evening ran as smoothly as it did.
The event (from picnics to the final chord) was recorded for DVD by a team of two cameramen and a sound man (who had come from Scotland the day before - only the best...); even the weather did its best to help, as the clouds of the afternoon we moved on by the evening sun.
The DVDs are already selling well by subscription, and you can pre-order your copies at heavily reduced prices on the Iford Recordings website:

Many thanks are due to Robert Coles for the photography; to Mickelburgh Pianos of Bath for the loan of a spectacularly good Kawai piano; to Sound Network UK for sponsoring the DPA microphones; to Iford Arts and their stewards for their assistance in running the event; to the audience for joining in so warmly; and to all others for their help.

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