Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Britannia, the waves, and optimistic birdsong

Last night's rains are just now heading rapidly downstream, and the river is flowing jolly fast, not aided by the 30ft tree which fell into it three days ago and has now lodged fast under the bridge.  Britannia is certainly ruling the waves today!
Weatherwise it hasn't been a great start to the year at Iford, indeed recent days have required the judicious placement of buckets under parts of the roof where tiles have slipped over the winter months (surprisingly common as anyone living under a very old stone roof will attest!).

 This morning, by contrast, I was awoken by nature's own alarm clock: birdsong and sunlight.  It reminded me of just how wonderfully infectious is the optimism held by our native songbirds on a bright winter's morning, as they anticipate the arrival over the hill of the warming rays of the sun.
You can't help but think happy thoughts of summer and the year ahead when greeted by such cacophony of joy.
The cats didn't notice, of course, steadfastly remaining in the warmth of the kitchen, protesting at the poor breakfast service from the staff (us).  Below: the matriarch Lily (right) and her son,11 years old but still a mummy's boy, (left).

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