A very Happy New Year to all who find this post so early in the life of this blog, which comes to you from the team at Iford Manor. We're still experiencing the heady trepidation that accompanies a new venture such as blogging, so please bear with us if we press the wrong buttons.
Over time we hope to bring you gardening tips, what's-on info, up to date photos as the year moves on, but above all an insight into the work that goes on behind the scenes, to ensure that the valley, the garden and the atmosphere of our peaceful rural idyll remains as it should.
This is also a forum for comment, and we sincerely hope that those who feel so inclined will chip in with their experiences, comments and, dare I say it, suggestions. As the blog develops, we'll hear more from the gardeners and the estate/farming team, so that over time, hopefully, it will become clear just how much Iford means to those that live and work in the beautiful valley.
If you found us directly, why not take a trip over to our website? It's www.ifordmanor.co.uk
wch have read your blog for the first time found it most interesting,superb photo's i hope to submit a small piece on the garden for each month, basically to outline what is happening,what practices are going on, what this space i hope to here from you soon robert.