After a Bank Holiday of miserable drizzle, the sun came out around 6pm. Iford has a habit of doing this after rainy days; we're not quite sure why (and frankly we don't really mind either), but we're very grateful for the charming evenings especially when the opera is on. Not that we're promising good weather or anything - to do so really would be one step beyond delusional.
This evening, however, a walk round the kitchen garden was called for, ostensibly to check up on how the fruit trees and 'painted meadow' area were getting on. Although armed with only a 'happy-snappy' camera, the evening yielded some romantic images thanks to the warm evening sun.
The kitchen garden is not ordinarily open to the public, however coach groups may be able to visit the garden out of hours by prior arrangement as a part of a visit to Iford. We have always encouraged groups, especially those with a strong interest in plants or design, to come out of hours because we can offer exclusive use of the garden, ensuring no-one gets in the way of the photographs. Above: a rose on the gatehouse wall (can you spot what variety it is, anyone?);
Below: fantin latour with its old-world looks and gorgeous scent in the kitchen garden.
Above: another rose the name of which we don't know (help, anyone?)
Below: this rather charming dog rose was given to my grandmother (pre-1988 therefore) by a gardener who had tended a garden in Rode, a nearby village, for many years. He was so distraught that this garden was to be obliterated by development, that he passed around many of the plants to save them. This is one such:
Above: the painted meadow, still something of a blank green canvas, awaits the flowering of the wildflowers and "weeds". Weeds are, after all, only perfectly good plants in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Below: Valerian adorns the road wall.
Above: A 'greater-crested, fan-tailed Iford turkey' in topiary, and it's accompanying 'twizzler'
Below: the kitchen garden path glows