Friday, 29 April 2011

Congratulations from all at Iford

The team at Iford sends hearty congratulations to the new Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.
In honour of this great occasion, Britannia herself dressed in her finest.  Speaking earlier this morning, she explained that she had wanted to wear her favourite Union Flag Shawl, but unfortunately her dresser was unable to reach that high so she had to content herself with this exquisite example of a traditional apron.

Thursday, 28 April 2011

Opening Times for the May Bank Holiday weekend

After a phenomenally busy Easter weekend, we have received lots of enquiries about this coming weekend.  Thus, here's a quick clarification on Iford's opening times over the Bank Holiday weekend:

Sunday and Monday, 2-5pm
Teas from 2.30pm on each day.

The wisteria is out, which is rather unexpectedly early - if you are a wisteria fanatic, I guess you've probably got about 2 weeks before much of it is over:  hurry!

A batch of photos of the garden as it stands, on the way shortly (once I can find the cable for the camera!)

Saturday, 9 April 2011

Tim Kliphuis DVD update

Pre-sales of the Tim Kliphuis DVD are now underway, and it's proving popular.  If you haven't ordered your copies at the promotional rates, (just £25 for 2 - usually £20 each!), then perhaps you ought pop along to Iford Recordings and snap up a few.  They'll be delivered in late October (the recording is in late June), ready to be put to good use as prezzies at Christmas.

We are also very pleased to announce that the recording is kindly supported by Mickleburgh Pianos of Bath.  Mickleburgh Bath has an extensive range of new and reconditioned upright and grand pianos over two floors, plus a good selection of digital pianos to choose from, and are always there to help anyone from the beginner to the advanced pianist.

Friday, 1 April 2011

New season approaches

It is always an optimistic time of year, full of anticipation, as we approach the first open day of the season.  The blossom is out, the wisteria is in bud, the magnificent magnolia goblets opening to drink in the relative warmth of spring - indeed, the garden is running a bit ahead of schedule this year owing to the warm, dry March.

This Sunday 3rd April, we welcome in the public visitor for another year.  The garden will be open from 2-5pm, and Susan will be providing her Housekeeper's homemade teas, albeit with a slightly reduced menu in early April (cakes not scones, basically...).

Why not pop along to visit us this Spring?