Tuesday, 9 November 2010

The last vestiges of Autumn

What a damp chill in the air today!  Autumn is most definitely losing its battle against winter's vanguard.  A couple of days ago I was out in the garden with the camera and I was lucky enough to enjoy a half hour's sunshine in the morning.  Light never ceases to amaze me.

[apologies for image quality - something went awry with the compression for web - if anyone's desperate, I can have another try]

Sunday, 7 November 2010

Avon Valley Runners - Over the hills race

The public opening season has ended with the passing of October, and every year the valley seems to become a little quieter without the welcome patter of visiting feet and coach parties.  Now, walkers and cyclists, and the odd horse, potter through on lazy afternoons, and fishermen sit in morning mists under chilly willows as they drop their remaining leaves, waiting for that all important bite.
It can make for quite a sudden change of pace, which is why one of the highlights of November is the arrival of the over-the-hills race, organised by the Avon Valley Runners, and which takes its 300 or so competitors over a gruelling eight mile mud-fest, the spectatorial highlight of which (and perhaps the low point for the runners!) is the fording of the river at the Iford bridge.
This is always an interesting affair, and on occasion the river has been too high to allow safe passage.  This year however, the hardy annual runners were greeted by a supporting crowd some thirty strong, and a glorious view of the manor and bridge, with the river still very low through lack of rain.
It is common for one or two to take a dunking, usually through over-optimistic miscalculations of the safe velocity for making the crossing; however for any lucky souls that do make it across with incautious abandon, a steep eight foot climb up the opposite bank and a half mile haul up the Iford carriage drive to the top of the hill wipes away any remaining smug smiles.
It's always a very jolly event, and I understand that the organising club is regularly oversubscribed for entries.  If you'd like to run in the race next year, you'll need to get over to the Avon Valley Runners website for more details.  There's an interactive map with photos of the course.